Who is your Jehoida?

I have had several mentors in my life who have shared wisdom with me that is truly more precious than rubies.

There was once a king named Joash who became king at seven years old. “Joash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all the years of Jehoida the priest.” 2 Chronicles 24:3 Joash is responsible for repairing the temple that his grandmother, who also wanted to kill Joash (Yes, she was a piece of work.) had destroyed in order to worship the Baals.

But as soon as his mentor died, Joash abandoned the temple and the worship of idols began again. Jehoida’s son Zechariah warned Joash to return to the Lord, but Joash had him killed. Oh my! Eventually the army of Aram took siege on Joash’s kingdom, and he was severely wounded. Then, Joash’s officials “conspired against him for murdering the son of Jehoida the priest, and they killed him in his bed.

Don’t we all need a Jehoida in our lives? But we must listen and not turn from the ways of the Lord.

Divine Poetry – Ephesians 2:10

I love the days of revelation when God gives me a fresh way to see a verse I have read so many times before. Such is the case with

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God created beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

Ephesians 2:10

The Greek word for masterpiece used here is “poiema” as in our English word for poem. What fresh insight! You and I are not just skillfully but artfully created in Christ as a supernatural life as a work of divine poetry. Here I am in spirit and flesh, God’s epic poem.

I am fully known by the One who created me for what He has purposed for me to do “for such a time as this!” The Master Designer, Himself expresses and reveals Himself in me.

Holy Spirit, Who has sealed me for protection, from wrath, and for God’s ownership, help me to walk today and everyday in Your Good Works created just for me, your epic masterpiece. Amen

One Another with Prayer

I have been really studying the book of Romans and just want to share what my Bible Study Team at Proverbs 31 Ministries helped me learn today.

We are called to love one another, (John 15:12), welcome one another (Romans 15:7), instruct one another (Romans 15:14), comfort one another (2 Corinthians 13:12), serve one another (Galatians 5:13), bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2), be kind, tender hearted and forgiving to one another (Ephesians 4:32), encourage one another (1 Thessalonians 4:18), exhort one another (Hebrews 3:13), stir one another up to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24), confess our sins to one another (James 5:16), and show hospitality without grumbling to one another (1 Peter 4:9).

The above list is not exhaustive and do you know who left Heaven and entered time and space to show us how to do all of this? Jesus!

Father God, You do not ask me to do anything in my own strength. Thank You for the Holy Spirit living inside of me. Change me daily, Lord for Your glory. I know that You will make all things right in Your perfect time. Lord, in 49 years, I have never seen the world in such turmoil and so divided even within the church. I know that none of this murder and maliciousness takes Abba, Father by surprise. It shows me how I have failed. I think we the church have failed. There is a church on at least every corner where I live. May we, Your Bride, not blend in with the world. As we face challenges, may we do so in Your Strength, Power, Love, Humility, and yes, Boldness. May there be less of me and my brothers and sisters in Christ and more of You, In Jesus’ Precious and Holy Name, Amen.

Good Gracious!! GRACE!!

Do I compare myself? I was asked this question today and at 49 years old, I thought I had finally beat the comparison trap! Wrong!

Yes! I do! I am a clean freak, and I want my home perfect, but my home is here to serve me. I am not here to serve my home and striving to make it look perfect takes my time from possibly for God’s best for me. Not to mention I am trying to embrace my middle age spread because it does not seem to be going anywhere. But how come the other middle age ladies look so slim and put together? 🫣 In short, nothing will be perfect on this side of Heaven, so my time shall be spent loving and serving well and resisting the comparison trap of the enemy.

Chen (grace) in Greek means favor-to bend and stoop in kindness. The God of the universe shows me this type of favor and love. His grace-He lavishly bestows upon me and you. So why are we so hard on ourselves? And goodness gracious why the comparison? I am truly asking myself.

Honestly, friends I have put off writing in this blog for several months because I cannot get it “perfect.” I cannot make it all say what my heart so vehemently feels. Well, no more. I will share my heart here for my Jesus. My motive is truly to honor Him. I pray in some small way you will blessed.

I want to choose to use my time well. I want my motives to be for God’s glory. I want the works He allows me to do on this side of glory to make it through the fire. No one but God knows my thoughts and motives. I pray they are a pleasing aroma to Him.

I Want to be the Overflow of God’s Love

Circumstances….. As I sit here, I am extremely blessed. This I know, for I could live in third world poverty or have lost my health or a myriad of a million other tragedies, but because I Know God, and God knows me…. every part of me down to the number of hairs on my head I KNOW I am loved by the only ONE who can fulfill me.

What love is this? My pastor said today that we really don’t understand the kind of love God has for us. I watch my children and grandchildren and literally feel my heart walking outside of my body, but I still cannot fathom this love because God loves them even more than I do, and they completely belong to Him.

My Savior was beaten, mocked, and spit upon for me and you. He could have stopped His circumstance at any moment. But then we could not spend eternity in Heaven because God cannot look upon sin. A price had to be paid.

I want my life to be an overflow of this kind of love. May I never hold another grudge. May I always give a helping hand.

I Saw God

I received a word from God this past week from two different women. The first was a stranger who bravely shared her testimony via Zoom all the way from Florida to us in our sanctuary in Summertown Baptist Church in southeast Georgia. The other was from a friend who has the gift of tongues. God has allowed me to interpret and understand that I must share what he has laid on my heart.

I have never shared with many people because I … well I just thought people would think I am crazy or not telling the truth, but it is true. I will tell it the best I can and have asked God for help. I can do nothing without Him.

My mother died a horrible death. She was sick for several weeks, very nauseous and unable to eat. She felt she was throwing up blood, but the doctors dismissed it. We were told many different things were wrong with her by different doctors, but none had the correct diagnosis.

Finally, I asked Mama to please go to the local doctor that I used. He saw her and put her in the hospital that day for tests. That night I got a call that she had been moved to ICU. We talked on the phone, and we decided it would be best if I Daddy and I came the following morning to see her.

When we got there, Mama looked and sounded good. We talked and enjoyed each other’s company. By this point she had started to bleed pretty badly when she used the bedside pan. The doctor came in to speak to us and told us that Mama would be moved to Savannah for an ulcer to be cauterized. I will never forget the way she looked at me on that stretcher. Her eyes pierced through me with love and longing that I cannot explain. She wanted me to ride on the ambulance with her, but they would not let me. I told her that I loved her and would see her when we all got to the next hospital. I got to see her very briefly in Savannah. They insisted that she be wheeled out immediately for the procedure.

Close family came, and we waited. Soon, we were called into one of those little conference rooms. Mama “had coded.” The ulcer was punctured during the procedure. I fell to the floor sobbing. They had brought her back, and I still had hope. It was a long night. I finally got to see her. Blood was coming from every crevice of her body. Sixty-four pints had been given, but it just came pouring back out. Daddy was asked to make a decision. The efforts and machines were stopped. I sat with her and talked to her and told her what a good Mama and Nanny she was and that we all loved her. Mama died January 24, 2009.

We buried her in shock and daze. Then Satan began the attacks-convincing me it was my fault. I didn’t sleep or eat. I saw counselors. I would sit and scream and cry and literally pull my hair out. I mean I should have known months earlier it was an ulcer. It could have been taken care of, and Mama would still be here. After all, I needed her. See, I blamed myself. I even heard God say to me one night in the closet as I cried out to Him while my children slept. I heard deep within me, “Who do you think you are? You do not control who lives and dies!”

THEN one night, I had a vision. This I know: I was not asleep. I was sitting up in my bed. The lights were out, but there was a bright light above my head. I saw Mama. She was beautiful, young, and healthy. She said, “You must stop doing this to yourself. I am happier than I have ever been.” A peace came over me, and instantly the attacks and torment ceased. I will never forget it. Every detail is etched in my brain. She had on a pink top. Her teeth and face were white and glowing. The smile she had was so peaceful. I did reach out to touch her, but when the words were spoken she was gone. I have not seen her again.

That was God. My mother did not come to visit me that night, but my Father in Heaven did. He used the face of one I had seen and let me know Mama is with Him, and I will see her again. He loves me so much. He did not and has not given up on me.

This message is for someone out there. God speaks to us all the time. We must listen and reflect when praying and reading His Word. Sitting here now. This is still so hard to grasp. The love He has for each of us is a love that I don’t know if we will fully understand on this side of Heaven. He is good. He is sovereign. His ways are not our ways. The peace and joy I now have is truly unexplainable, but it is there for everyone He created in His image. He loves us so much. May we be obedient and love in return.

Being and Feeling are not the same

We may feel lonely, depressed, or even anxious, at times, but there is a difference in being and feeling. And we have a helper within us at all times if we have accepted His free gift of salvation.

Webster’s definition of the verb be/am is “equal to.” It gives the example, “God is love.” I could use the example, I am a woman. However, the definition of feel is “to undergo a passive experience of” and “to have one’s sensibilities affected by,” as in to have one or all of our five senses affected by things/situations in our earthly environment or surroundings.

Would you agree that being equal to and feeling are absolutely NOT the same thing? I am not discrediting the way we feel because emotions are certainly real. However, God has overcome all forces of evil for us. He tells us in John 16:33 that He has overcome the world. He also tells us in Jeremiah 17:9 that the heart is deceitful above all things. Since our feelings change, they can be very deceiving. We have to be really careful and not let our heart be dictated by the physical world but only by the Holy Spirit who lives in us. Let us never forget that we have the presence of almighty God living within us who never changes and who has already defeated the darkness of this world. We are more than conquerors in Jesus Christ.

According to Priscilla Shirer in Discerning the Voice of God, “Every human being has a spirit,” which is “designed for relationship with God.” When we become Christ followers, The Holy Spirit, which is the third PERSON of the trinity, “takes up residence in [our] human spirit.” So, see, we have the power that raised Christ from the dead living within us. This power never changes and has overcome every evil force.

We are not anxiety even if we feel anxious. We are not depression. We are never alone. He is always with us, strengthening us, and loving us so very much. Remember God never changes and God lives inside of us as the Holy Spirit, our Helper, so we “take every thought captive to be obedient to Christ.” We have already won because of what He did for us on the cross over 2,000 years ago.

What I have Learned

I have learned that Jesus is the only One who can satisfy every longing of my soul. No person can do this. No experience of this world can fulfill except being in the presence of God—the filling of His Holy Spirit. This is a peace that will never end. No thing in this world can ever satisfy. It always leads me to craving more.. BUT GOD can and will my portion be. He is my peace.


It has been a little over 7 years since the phone call came from one of the the kindest, smartest gentlemen I know telling me that my daughter had cancer. God has drenched us with His faithfulness, love and mercy from the very beginning whether she was sick in the back seat from her first chemo treatment or driving us to her (NOW) YEARLY checkup at Shands, 250 miles away, to check in with that same gentleman who carefully mended and has tended to her left arm ever since. To God be all glory and Honor!