Being and Feeling are not the same

We may feel lonely, depressed, or even anxious, at times, but there is a difference in being and feeling. And we have a helper within us at all times if we have accepted His free gift of salvation.

Webster’s definition of the verb be/am is “equal to.” It gives the example, “God is love.” I could use the example, I am a woman. However, the definition of feel is “to undergo a passive experience of” and “to have one’s sensibilities affected by,” as in to have one or all of our five senses affected by things/situations in our earthly environment or surroundings.

Would you agree that being equal to and feeling are absolutely NOT the same thing? I am not discrediting the way we feel because emotions are certainly real. However, God has overcome all forces of evil for us. He tells us in John 16:33 that He has overcome the world. He also tells us in Jeremiah 17:9 that the heart is deceitful above all things. Since our feelings change, they can be very deceiving. We have to be really careful and not let our heart be dictated by the physical world but only by the Holy Spirit who lives in us. Let us never forget that we have the presence of almighty God living within us who never changes and who has already defeated the darkness of this world. We are more than conquerors in Jesus Christ.

According to Priscilla Shirer in Discerning the Voice of God, “Every human being has a spirit,” which is “designed for relationship with God.” When we become Christ followers, The Holy Spirit, which is the third PERSON of the trinity, “takes up residence in [our] human spirit.” So, see, we have the power that raised Christ from the dead living within us. This power never changes and has overcome every evil force.

We are not anxiety even if we feel anxious. We are not depression. We are never alone. He is always with us, strengthening us, and loving us so very much. Remember God never changes and God lives inside of us as the Holy Spirit, our Helper, so we “take every thought captive to be obedient to Christ.” We have already won because of what He did for us on the cross over 2,000 years ago.

Christians are Meant to Support One Another in the Battle for the Mind

Chaos—if we look at this world which is not truly our home through mere human lenses, we will be in turmoil and perplexed beyond consolation, BUT GOD has not given His children a spirit of fear or confusion! So, beloved, do not let the enemy have one bit of your mind. Let us help one another in this endeavor by creating peace in a world struggling in total chaos. How do we do this? Depend on Truth-the only TRUTH-HIS WORD-THE BIBLE!

Let’s build a deep root system where we have a firm faith that no earthly storm can topple over. Let’s lean on one other. We can learn so much about God from His Creation. For example, the roots of aspen trees are actually part of ONE organism. This means each tree is a limb of the larger organism, and when one tree starts to suffer, the root system begins to turn toward the suffering one and takes in extra water and nutrients for that one. Another example is the root system of the corn plant. Corn has what is called brace roots. You can actually eat these brace roots. They are so sweet! This sweet root system gives carbs back to the soil which feeds it microbes for growing strong!

Just like root systems in the physical world, the Christian life is not meant to be lived alone. As children of the Most High God, we have the Holy Spirit living within us with all power and glory that ROSE CHRIST from the dead, brothers and sisters. We truly need one another. We need to be rooted in truth and there for one another in Christian love every moment of everyday. In this way, we can help each other guard the mind and be rooted in all truth-HIS TRUTH-THE ONLY TRUTH!